Nominated for the
Grimme Online Award 2021
Category: Education
Berlin 1945 | Winner of the DigAMus Award 2020!
The best digital projects of the museums: Apps and Games
Berlin 1945 - Nominated for the
TOMMI - German Children's Software Award 2020
The best apps

+++ SchoolTool on betterplace +++

The Idea

Walking through Berlin is walking on historical ground. Few places in the world have as many historical layers hidden beneath the surface as the German capital. Unfortunately, a lot of these traces have faded over time, and even people interested in history cannot always detect them at first glance.

That’s why the berlinHistory e.V. association has set to make such historical traces visible and perceptible, and at the same time, preserve them for the future. For this purpose, we have created the berlinHistory app, which serves as an open digital platform for cultural institutions, museums and archives as well as for private initiatives, local researchers and individuals. After being reviewed by the editorial department, all kinds of historical documents - texts, photographs, audio files, videos and historical maps - can be published on the app. To facilitate this process, our team is constantly developing new digital tools and guarantees the permanent availability of our ever-expanding platform. And since all content is streamed, the berlinHistory app takes up very little space with only 40MB!


Being a non-profit association, the berlinHistory e.V. always provides its app content free of charge and without advertising. Moreover, the berlinHistory app will gradually be opened to further participation. Our first step will include the new camera module which enables users to create, upload and share their own before-and-after pictures by means of the app.

It is our aim to make institutions visible on our platform. This way, we have already been able to attract more than 60 Berlin cultural institutions who have become our cooperation partners and who put their content and pictures at our free disposal.

We regard ourselves as an open Berlin platform for all epochs of the city’s history.

1968 | Student protests | Ludwig Binder, Haus der Geschichte | CC BY-SA 2.0

Before-and-After Pictures

Interactive before-and-after pictures are a powerful tool for making layers of history visible and palpable.

The berlinHistory app contains a camera module that enables everyone to find the exact location of historical recordings and to create precisely fitting before and after pictures and upload them directly to the berlinHistory platform.


Please move slider!

Before-and-after images created by users

Take Part

You are interested in supporting berlinHistory in this unique project?

Would you like to collaborate with us on a project, or do you have photos or other interesting documents which you would like to share with us? Contact us

Site Patronage
Do you know an exciting site of Berlin history that you would like to make accessible to the public? Then contact us and become the patron of a POI (Point of Interest)! Contact us

Become a sponsoring member and support berlinHistory’s long term projects. A regular membership costs 60 euros per year. Form

Each donation, no matter how small, helps us realize this ambitious project.

Donate with PayPal

berlinHistory e.V.
IBAN: DE05830654080004027396,
VR-Bank Altenburger Land / Skatbank.
Spendenquittungen gerne auf Anfrage.

1989 | Brandenburger Tor | Stiftung Berliner Mauer


In the Timeline view, images of different epochs can be faded into each other. We will also provide tools for easily creating timelines.

  • 1899
  • 1936
  • 1945
  • 1953
  • 1961
  • 1985
  • 1987
  • 1989
  • 2001
  • 2016

Cooperation partners

- Gedenkstätte Deutscher Widerstand
- Stiftung Stadtmuseum Berlin
- Stiftung Berliner Mauer
- Bundeskanzler Willy-Brandt-Stiftung
- Landesmusikrat Berlin
- Stiftung Ernst-Reuter Archiv
- Robert-Havemann-Gesellschaft
- Bundesstiftung Aufarbeitung
- Stiftung EVZ
- Berliner Beauftragter zur Aufarb. der SED-Diktatur
- Gedenkstätte Berlin-Hohenschönhausen
- Stiftung Preußische Schlösser und Gärten
- Bezirk Lichtenberg
- Bezirk Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf
- Berliner Landeszentrale für politische Bildung
- Deutsches Spionagemuseum Berlin
- Landesarchiv Berlin
- Deutsches Historisches Museum
- Kulturprojekte Berlin
- Berliner Unterwelten e.V.
- Denkmal für die ermordeten Juden Europas
- 1700 Jahre jüdisches Leben in Deutschland e.V.
- Ihr letzter Weg e.V. / siewarennachbarn e.V.
- Zitadelle Spandau
- BVG-Archiv
- GASAG Berlin
- Berliner Zentrum Industriekultur
- Industriesalon Schöneweide
- Berliner Stadtplansammlung Michael Müller
- Denkmal am Ort e.V.
- Berliner Club Commission
- Stasi-Unterlagen-Archiv
- Stiftung Museumshafen Berlin
- Museum Berlin Karlshorst
- AlliiertenMuseum
- Gedenkstätte Sachsenhausen
- Aktives Museum
- GASAG Berlin
- Schwules Museum
- Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz
- Archiv der Alice-Salomon-Hochschule
- Beauftragte für die Aufarbeitung des SED Unrechts Brandenburg
- die Stiftung Brandenburgische Gedenkstätten
- Friedhof der Märzgefallenen
- Villa Aurora - Thomas Mann House e.V.
- dieKunstBauStelle e. V.
- Anne-Frank-Zentrum
- Felix-Hartlaub-Gesellschaft
- Brücke-Museum
- Arolsen Archives

Technology partners

- Karlmax Berlin
- Mapbox

Advisory Board

Dietmar Arnold,
Vorsitzender der Berliner Unterwelten,
für die privatrechtlich organisierten Einrichtungen

Dr. Michael Bienert
Geschäftsführer der Ernst-Reuter-Stiftung im Landesarchiv,
für den Bereich Archive

Hella Dunger-Löper
Präsidentin des Landesmusikrates,
für die Musikgeschichte

Wolfgang Hauck,
Vorstand dieKunstBauStelle e. V. 
Initiator und Projektleiter der Apps BayernHistory
und Digitaler Atlas der NS-Verbrechen,
für die externen History Apps

Julia Hornig,
für die Bundeseinrichtungen

Prof. Axel Klausmeier,
Direktor der Stiftung Berliner Mauer,
für die DDR-Geschichte

Tobias Kuster,
stellv. Schulleiter des Willy-Graf-Gymnasiums,
(Autor unserer Unterrichtsmodelle)
für die Oberschulen

Stephanie Mühlbauer,
Grundschule am Teutoburger Platz,
(Projekt Geschichte vor dem Schultor)
für den Grundschulbereich

Daniel Schneider,
Archiv der Jugendkulturen e.V.

Prof. Johannes Tuchel,
Direktor der Gedenkstätte Deutscher Widerstand,
für den Bereich NS-Geschichte

Peter Ulrich Weiß,
von der Beauftragten des Landes Brandenburg zur Aufarbeitung der Folgen der kommunistischen Diktatur,
für den Bereich Land Brandenburg


berlinHistory e.V.
Leuschnerdamm 13
Staircase 4 | 4. Floor
10999 Berlin

Phone: +49 . 30 . 9700 3661

1986 | Zimmerstr. | Petershagen | CC BY-NC-SA 2.0