
Help us to make the berlinHistory app even better!

Dear users of the berlinHistory App! 

We are very pleased that the berlinHistory app, which is free of charge and free of advertising, has grown so rapidly in terms of both content and number of users (close to 300,000) shortly before its 5th birthday on 24 February 2024. Many new projects are planned and the number of our cooperation partners is growing continuously, so that we can continue our growth in content in the coming year. 

However, despite continuous expansion, the start-up software purchased from our personal savings has reached its limits. If we want to further develop the app and make it even more usable, we need your support! In order to raise the six-digit costs for this, we hope for your contribution to it, for which there is of course also a donation receipt from 100 € (below this, the transfer voucher with the term "donation" is sufficient for the tax office) (if you inform us of your address and the amount via 

berlinHistory e.V. is recognised by the tax office as a non-profit association.

Jetzt per PayPal spenden!

berlinHistory e.V.
IBAN: DE05830654080004027396,
VR-Bank Altenburger Land / Skatbank.
Spendenquittungen gerne auf Anfrage.